Congrats to Allison for passing her gateway and Liz for completing her 3rd-year seminar!
Some of the group’s research on microplastics is featured on the Points North podcast! Check it out!
The group welcomes our newest member – Avery Long!
Today the group celebrated Labsgiving (photos) – our annual Thanksgiving tradition!
Congrats to Maddie on her collaborative paper on using conformal prediction to identify microplastics in ES&T!
Congrats to Allison for winning a Phillips 66 Fellowship!
Welcome to Ari Ontko – our newest undergraduate researcher!
Welcome to our newest graduate student – Chloe Lucci!
Congrats to Jessica and Grace (and our lovely collaborators – Shelley Minteer and Motiur Mazumder) for our paper on anion-exchange membranes in RFBs! Link here.
Welcome to our newest rotators – Jack and Anna!
Photos from the annual group kayaking trip can be found here!
Congrats to Henry Thurber for passing his 2nd year oral exam (Macro)!
Welcome to our summer rotator – Avery Long!
Congrats to Dr. Soyoung Kim on her bead-based RFB paper in ACS Energy Letters – a collaboration with the Rodríguez-López group at UIUC!
Congrats to Maddie & Rahul on their awesome 3rd year seminars!
Congrats to Malavika and Liz for passing their gateway exams!
Congrats to our newest doctor – Dr. Jessica Tami – on her successful PhD defense!
Congrats to Malavika for winning a Department Service Award!
Congrats to Malavika, Henry, Maddie, and Sarena on their paper on microplastics capture in drinking water in RSC Appl. Polym.!
Welcome visiting PhD student Ali Hachem from University of Bari!
Congrats to Jessica on the publication of her collaborative work with the Kwabi Lab!
Welcome to our four rotators – Allison, Leo, Neha, and Tien!
Our paper on developing a microplastics museum exhibit and assessing its effectiveness was just accepted to J. Chem. Educ.!
The group welcomes Dr. Nanta Sophonrat as a new postdoc!
Leila and Lauren join the lab as Fall rotators – welcome!
The group welcomes Dr. Bertrand Neyhouse as a postdoc!
Check out this highlight story about our MMSS summer camp on sustainable polymers!
Congrats to Gloria for successfully defending her PhD!
Congrats to Henry for receiving a PPG Macro Fellowship for Summer Term!
Welcome to Ethan Gevedon – our summer rotation student!
Congrats to Maddie for earning the first place poster prize at the 2023 Borchardt Conference!
Welcome to our newest undergrad – Elle Gross!
Malavika and Liz officially join the group as PhD students – welcome!
Congrats to Rahul for passing his “gateway” exam!
Congrats to Emma for winning the American Institute of Chemists Chemistry Award!!!
Congrats to Jessica for winning the Robert W. Parry Award for Research by an Inorganic Chemistry Student!
Congrats to Maddie for passing her “gateway” exam!
Check out photos from our holiday party!
Maddie is awarded the Women in Science Prize from The Story Exchange – congrats Maddie!
Anne and Danielle are interviewed on NPR’s Stateside! Listen here.
Our paper on thienothiophene polymerization is out – congrats to Matt & Jessica for getting this over the finish line!
The UM Record highlights our PVC work! To read, click here.
Chemistry World highlights our recent PVC work! Click here for the story.
Macro PhD student Henry Thurber joins the lab – welcome Henry!
Danielle & Han’s work on using waste PVC to chlorinate small molecules is now online in Nature Chemistry!
The group welcomes THREE new rotators this Fall – Lucas, Malavika, and Liz!
Celebrating Izzy’s successful gateway exam – congrats Izzy! Check out the pics here.
Say “hello” to our newest undergraduate – Grace Cook!
Gloria’s paper on s-tetrazines as anolytes in redox flow batteries is now published in J. Mater. Chem. A (click here) – congrats!
The Michigan Daily features a story on our new collaborative grant. Read more about it here.
Read more (here) about our collaborative grant on measuring microplastics in the atmosphere of Michigan that was just funded!!!
Welcome Ellie & Miles for summer research!
Check out photos from our group kayaking trip & picnic!
Dr. Soyoung Kim joins the lab as a new postdoc – welcome!
Congrats to Vai for passing her “gateway exam”!
Congrats to Gloria for winning a “Chemistry Department Exceptional Service Award” and Jessica for receiving a “PPG Summer Research Fellowship”!
Congrats to Han and Tom on their paper on redox-matched flow batteries!
Congrats to Han Kim and Matthew Hannigan for successfully defending their PhDs!
Congrats to undergraduate Emma Sollner on her summer research fellowship!
Congrats to undergraduate Natalie Miller on her summer fellowship to study at the University of Glasgow!
Our 1st paper on PFAS remediation is now online! Congrats to co-authors Justin and Gloria!
Welcome Rahul, Alejandro, and Sarena to the McNeil Group!
Anne’s public lecture on microplastics was highlighted in this article!
Check out our latest work on microplastics capture – led by Takunda Chazovachii!
Congrats to Han Kim for receiving the 2021 Overberger Student Research Award!
Our diaper upcycling work is highlighted in Nature Chem!
The group is excited that first-year graduate students Faridat Agboola and Maddie Clough have joined the lab as rotation students!
Congrats to Han, Emily, and Danielle on their recent paper on conjugated polymer-based stabilizers for organic solar cells, now published in ACS Appl. Polym. Mater.!
Congrats to Matt Hannigan for publishing “Using JPP to Identify Ni Bidentate Phosphine Complexes In Situ” in Inorganic Chemistry!
Congrats to the newest Dr. in the group – Dr. Emily Mueller!!!!
To read more about our latest chemical recycling project, check out this news story and this highlight!
Takunda’s paper on chemical recycling of diapers into adhesives is now published in Nature Communications!
The group welcomes Dr. Patrick Lutz, who is back for summer research.
Congrats to undergraduate Morgan Young, who will be heading to Cornell for graduate school this Fall.
Congrats to HS student Edwin Zishiri who will be heading to Yale this Fall!
Congrats to Takunda Chazovachii for successfully defending his thesis!
Congrats to Justin Harris for successfully defending his PhD!
The group welcomes undergraduate Natalie Miller, who received a summer research fellowship!
Vai and Izzy officially join the McNeil Group as graduate students – welcome!
The group welcomes our newest postdoc – Dr. Woojung Ji – who just completed her PhD with Will Dichtel at Northwestern!
Congrats to undergraduate Morgan Young on receiving the 2021 American Chemical Society Organic Chemistry Award!
Check out our latest paper on an air-tolerant synthesis of P3HT!
Isabelle Zelaya joins the group as a Winter-term rotator!
Check out our Viewpoint on ‘redefining sustainable polymers’ published in ACS Macro Lett. today!
Dr. Tan Nguyen joins the lab as a post-doc – welcome Tan!
Welcome to our lab’s newest rotators – Vai and Lizzy!
Congrats to Justin for his paper recently published on localized cellulose hydrogels!
Our paper on a sustainable polymers-themed short course for high school students is now online at J. Chem. Educ!
Please join me in welcoming undergrad Mackenzie and post-doc Graeme to the McNeil Group! We look forward to the day you can actually step foot inside the lab 🙂
Congrats to Gloria de la Garza for receiving an NSF Predoctoral Fellowship!
Congrats to Gloria de la Garza for passing her candidacy exam!
Congrats to Jessica Tami for passing her candidacy exam!
We are happy to have Rebecca as a rotation student for the winter term!
Congratulations to Dr. Tomohiro Kubo for getting a job (to be announced soon)!
Our latest paper – Adapting Meaningful Learning Strategies to Teach Liquid–Liquid Extractions – is online in J. Chem. Educ.!
Our latest work on having students create infographics to help them connect real-world concepts to their learning of organic chemistry is online in J. Chem. Educ.!
Our paper describing student-designed green chemistry experiment is now online in J. Chem. Educ.!
Our latest paper – Functionalized and Degradable Polyphthalaldehyde Derivatives – is online in JACS! Congrats to Patrick & Matt!
Congrats to Han for receiving the PPG Summer Fellowship!
Check out the pictures from our group kayaking adventure & BBQ!
Our first education paper to come from our HHMI-funded work on redesigning the 1st semester undergraduate organic laboratory curriculum is now online!
Our paper describing one‐pot olefin/thiophene block copolymer synthesis is now online in J. Polym. Sci., Part A: Polym. Chem.!
Congrats to Emily for receiving the Margeret and Herman Sokol Graduate Summer Research Fellowship!
Congrats to Anne for receiving a prestigious Guggenheim Fellowship!
Our latest paper – on using conjugated copolymers to stabilize organic solar cells – is now online! Congrats to co-authors Emily & Chen!
Congrats to Bri for passing her candidacy exam!
Congrats to Anne for receiving the Claudia Joan Alexander Trailblazer Award from WISE!
The McNeil Group participated in FEMMES again with our revamped activities showing plastics come “alive with heat”!
Congrats to Han for passing his candidacy exam!
The group welcomes Jessica Tami as a Winter-term rotator!
The McNeil Group participated in FEMMES with hands-on activities showing plastics that seem “alive with heat”!
Check out our latest publication – a perspective on the future of catalyst-transfer polymerization in JACS!
The group welcomes Cheyanne, Julie and Gloria as Fall-term rotators!
Congrats to Amanda Leone for successfully defending her PhD today! (Check out the group pictures too.)
Congrats to Patrick & Matthew for their Coord. Chem. Rev. on materials & applications enabled by catalyst-transfer polymerization, appearing now in ASAPs!
The group celebrated a productive summer with kayaking down the Huron River & a BBQ! Check out the photos!
The group welcomes our newest post-doc – Dr. Danielle Fagnani – who hails from Ron Castellano’s group at UF!
Congrats to Amanda & Pete for their paper in JACS on efficiency of ring-walking catalysts in CTP!
The group welcomes our newest post-doc – Dr. Tomo Kubo – who hails from Brent Summerlin’s group at UF!
The group welcomes our newest undergraduate researchers – Maddie, Kikel, Julia, and Mia!
Great location & great science for the McNeil Group summer retreat – check out the photos!
Congrats to Kendra Souther for defending her PhD thesis today!
Bri officially joins the McNeil Group!
Congrats to Amanda for receiving the Alumni Fund Outstanding Graduate Student Research Award!
Our collaborative paper with the Zimmerman group on spin-switching in transmetalation reactions is now published in ACS Catalysis!
Congrats to Matthew for passing his candidacy exam!!
Congrats to Justin for passing his candidacy exam!
Our collaborative paper with the Green Group on MAPLE-deposited P3HT has been accepted to the J. Polym. Sci., Part B: Polym. Phys.!
The group welcomes post-doc Nancy Wu, grad student Takunda Chazovachii, & undergrad Oscar Mota to the group!
Our latest paper is now online at Macromolecules – “Mechanistic Insight into Thiophene Catalyst-Transfer Polymerization Mediated by Nickel Diimine Catalysts.”
Anne was elected into the American Academy of Arts & Sciences (AAAS) – congrats Anne!
Amanda & Kendra’s mechanism paper on Ni diimine catalysts was accepted to Macromolecules!
Our latest paper is now online in J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem. – “Trials and tribulations of designing multitasking catalysts for olefin/thiophene block copolymerizations”
Our paper describing conjugated/insulating copolymer synthesis has been accepted! Congrats to Kendra, Amanda & all our wonderful collaborators!
Bri joins the lab as a Fall term rotator – welcome!
Congrats to Matt and Emily for winning PPG sponsored poster awards at the 2017 Karle Symposium!
The McNeil Group is now on twitter! Follow us! @McNeilGroup
Welcome to our newest post-doc Dr. Patrick Lutz!
The group bid farewell to education members: Michele, Neal and Siena!
Welcome to our newest post-doc (& lab manager) Dr. Nicole Camasso!
Welcome undergrads Siena, Mia, Neal and Tyler to the McNeil Group!
Congrats to Matt for receiving a prestigious NDSEG fellowship!
Congrats to post-doc Rachel Barnard for her new position as Instructor at Lyman Briggs College at MSU!
Congrats to post-doc Danielle Zurcher for her new position as Lecturer in Chemistry at UNC-Chapel Hill!
Congrats to post-doc Carol Ann (Pitcairn) Castañeda for her new position as Lecturer in Chemistry at UM!
Congrats to Ariana for successfully defending her PhD today!!!
Congrats to Kendra for completing her “data meeting” requirement today!
Congrats to honorary McNeil Group member Rachel Merzel (educ) for receiving the Florence Fenwick Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award!
Congrats to Amanda for receiving the Robert A. Parry Award for Outstanding Research by an Inorganic Chemistry Student!
Welcome to the new first-years: Emily, Justin and Matthew!
Congrats to Amanda for being selected to present in the Excellence in Graduate Polymer Research Symposium!
Congrats to the new “Dr” in the house – Pete Goldberg!
Kori, Jinhee and Emily joined the group as Winter term rotators – welcome!
Congrats to Mitchell for successfully defending his PhD!
Ariana & Se Ryeon’s paper on reactive ligands (w/collaborator Steven Wheeler) was accepted to J. Polym. Sci., Part A: Polym. Chem. today – congrats!
Our collaborative paper on thiazole CTP with Paul Zimmerman was accepted to ACS Macro Lett. – congrats Mitchell and Amanda!
Our (invited) Acc. Chem. Res. article was accepted – congrats to Amanda!
Our collaborative book chapter on using Wikipedia in the classroom is now published!
The group said goodbye today to post-doc Gesine Veits, who starts her new position at C4 Therapeutics on Halloween!
Andrew Li joined the group as a Macro MS student – welcome Andrew!
Ellen Butler, Matthew Hannigan, Justin Harris and Jessi Wilson join the McNeil Group as rotators!
Our paper on identifying new gel scaffolds using crystal morphology prediction appears online in JACS today!
Congrats to Amanda for winning a “best poster” award at the 2016 Karle Symposium!
Anne gave a presentation titled “Talking Lions & Catalyst-transfer Polycondensations” at the Organometallic GRC!
The group welcomes new undergraduate Dom Valentino to the McNeil lab!
Congrats to Danielle for getting her official “hood” this past weekend!
The McNeil Group (barely) wins the battle of wits with Breakout – The Room Escape Game.
Congrats to Pete for winning the “audience choice” award for the 3-min thesis competition.
Anne’s autobiographical perspective on her career path from early childhood to a faculty member working on molecular gels is now published in the Beilstein J. Org. Chem.
Carol Ann Pitcairn joins the REBUILD team as a post-doc – welcome!
Danielle Zurcher and Sameer Phadke join team HHMI as post-doctoral scholars in chemistry education research – welcome!
Res Wiscons joins as a rotation student – welcome Ren!
Congrats to Zack, Ariana, Carolyn and Jing for their paper being accepted to ACS Macro Letters!!!
Congrats to Danielle on earning her PhD!!!
Congratulations to Amanda for passing her candidacy exam!!
Anne presents at the 2015 Oesper Symposium in honor of Karen Wooley! Many of her chemical “heroes” were also there and it was awesome to be a part of the special event. Go check out the photos.
Gesine, Pete, Mitchell, Ariana, Kendra and Amanda present posters at the 2015 Merck @ UM Symposium!
Our collaborative work with the Green Group (UM) on using gradient copolymers in solar cells is published in J. Mater. Chem. A!
Chen Kong joins the McNeil Group as a new post-doc – Welcome Chen!
Annabel Ansel joins the McNeil Group as a Fall rotator – Welcome Annabel!
Welcome to new rotator Annabel Ansel and new post-doc Chen Kong!
Our Wikipedia class project is highlighted in C&E News! Click here to read the article.
Congrats to alumnus Jing Chen for being awarded the 2014 3M AAD Circle of Technical Excellence and Innovation Award
Congrats to Pete, Danielle, Ariana and Amanda for winning best ‘talk’ and best ‘poster’ awards at the 2015 Karle Symposium!
We recently hosted 12 incoming freshman from the Summer Bridge Program and helped them develop a “Campus Connection” with the Chemistry Department. It was a lot of fun and made an impact on the students involved. Thanks to everyone who participated. See our group photos for some awesome pictures!
Congrats to Nicole, Ederson and Tyler (HHMI-supported community college students) for their successful summer of research and their poster presentations at the UROP Symposium!
Check out photos from our hot and water-soaked group BBQ on Saturday!
Congratulations to Zachary for accepting a job offer at Undercover Colors!
Team HHMI gave a hands-on demonstration of the new 211 curriculum at the 2015 CSIE|UM Symposium
Anne gives an invited talk at the Physical Organic GRC in Holderness, NH
Danielle has been selected by the Chemistry department to receive a Henry Earle Riggs One-Term Dissertation Fellowship. Congratulations!
Undergraduates Jessi Wilson and Xinyu (Jenny) Liu join the group – Welcome Jessi and Jenny!
Rotation student Monique Cook joins the group – Welcome Monique!
Our collaborative paper with the Chen group is published in Langmuir!
Zack successfully defends his PhD thesis – Congrats Zack!!
Undergraduate David Vargas joins the group – Welcome David!
Amanda Leone officially joins the group – Welcome Amanda!!
Congrats to Carolyn for winning the American Chemical Society Organic Chemistry Award!
The McNeil Lab ran an interactive demo called “Alive with Heat: Shrinking Polymers” for a FEMMES event on campus.
Anne welcomes Michele Nelson to team HHMI!
Congrats to Danielle for her Synopsis being accepted to JOC!
The group welcomes Dr. Gesine Veits as post-doc!
The group welcomes Amanda Leone as a rotator!
The McNeil Lab ran an interactive demo called “Alive with Heat: Shrinking Polymers” for a FEMMES event on campus.
Congrats to Kendra for passing her candidacy exam!!
Our work with Sapling Learning is highlighted in the UM Record – read here.
The group bids farewell to Dr. Fei Cheng!
The Wiki Ed Blog writes about our Wikipedia project – read here.
Welcome to rotator Aaron Proctor!
Welcome to undergrad Carolyn Zhao!
Anne is highlighted in the HHMI Bulletin – read here.
Congrats to Pete and Danielle for winning a best poster award at the Vaughan Symposium!!
Congrats to Kelsey for successfully defending her PhD!
Welcome to incoming graduate student Ryan Hall for a rotation!
Anne is named an HHMI Professor!!!!!!! Read more about it here.
The group bids farewell to post-doc Ed Palermo!
Ed’s book chapter on gradient copolymers is accepted!
Congrats to Kelsey for accepting a position at Nalco!
Welcome to undergraduates Aryeh and Sarah for the summer!
Anne wins a 2014 Provost’s Teaching Innovation Prize!
Congrats to Danielle for her paper being accepted to Chem. Commun.!
Congrats to Pete for his paper (with the Green Group) being published in Adv. Funct. Mater.!
Congrats to Se Ryeon for her paper (with the Lehnert Group) being published in Inorg. Chem.!
Welcome to our newest lab member – Emily Anne Soellner – born on 5-14-14 at 9:25 am!
Congrats to Ed for accepting a faculty position at RPI!!!
Congrats to Ariana for passing her candidacy exam!
Congrats to Se Ryeon Lee for defending her PhD thesis!
Congrats to Melissa and Kendra for receiving NSF Predoctoral Fellowships!!!
Kelsey’s paper is accepted to Langmuir – Congrats!
Our multi-institutional (Stanford, Cornell and Michigan) grant on “multitasking catalysts” was funded through the ONR!
Anne is named an Arthur F. Thurnau Associate Professor of Chemistry!
Ed’s paper is accepted to J. Mater. Chem. C – Congrats!
Congrats to Se Ryeon for accepting a position at PPG!
The group welcomes Melissa, Kendra and Sam as rotators!
Steve’s paper is accepted to Chem. Commun. – Congrats!
Pete and Taylor get engaged – Congrats!
McNeil – Soellner Joint Holiday Party – check out the pictures!
Sam and Bijay join the group as Fall rotators – Welcome!
Matthew, Patrick and Dylan join the group as undergraduate researchers – Welcome!
Pete wins a “best poster” award at the Vaughan Symposium – Congrats!
Zack’s Macromolecules Perspective article is accepted – Congrats!
The annual summer BBQ was at Anne’s house (check out the photos)!
Anne receives the 2013 Class of 1923 Memorial Teaching Award – Congrats!
Ed’s paper is accepted to Polym. Chem. – Congrats!
The group welcomes Josh Demuth and Kendra Souther as summer rotation students – welcome!
The group welcomes Sarah Cox, Will Crosby and Jacob Lueck as summer REU students – welcome!
The Regents of UM approve Anne’s promotion to Associate Professor with tenure – it’s official!!
Mitchell passes his candidacy exam – Congrats!
Ariana Hall officially joins the McNeil Group – Welcome!
Julian presents his research at the 2013 UROP Spring Research Forum!
Weiwei recieves the Ash Stevens Undergraduate Research Award for Organic Chemistry – Congrats!
Weiwei graduates (BS in Chem) and is headed to Stanford for a PhD in Chemistry!
Anne and Brian Coppola’s education proposal for the Transforming Learning for the Third Century Initiative is selected for funding!
The College (LS&A) approves Anne’s promotion to Associate Professor with tenure!
Zack’s paper is accepted to Chemical Science – Congrats!
McNeil, Love, Shtein MCubed project is selected for funding!
Halley graduates (BS in Chem) and accepts a position at Leco Corp. – Congrats!
Pete passes his candidacy exam — Congrats!!!
McNeil – Soellner Group Holiday Party at Anne’s house!!
Se Ryeon’s paper is accepted to Dalton Transactions – Congrats!!!
McNeil versus Soellner Group Laser Tag!!
The department vote for tenure is positive!
Anne gives her “tenure talk” to the department!
Se Ryeon wins best oral presentation award at the Vaughan Symposium – Congrats!!!
Zack wins a poster presentation award at the Vaughan Symposium – Congrats!!!
Jonas successfully defends his PhD thesis – Congrats!
Ed’s paper is accepted to Macromolecules – Congrats!
Cheryl successfully defends her PhD thesis – Congrats!
Group BBQ at Anne’s house!!
Anne is profiled in the J. Phys. Org. Chem. for “Early Excellence in Physical Organic Chemistry”
Congrats to Zack for receiving the Robert W. Parry Award for Research by an Inorganic Chemistry Student!!
Congrats to Se Ryeon for receiving the Robert and Carolyn Buzzard Graduate Chemistry Student Leadership Award!!
Congrats to Jing and Weiwei for their paper being accepted to Chem. Commun.!
Anne receives a 2012 Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation Teacher-Scholar Award – Congrats!
Jing successfully defends her PhD thesis – Congrats!
Mitchell and Pete join the group as permanent members – Welcome!
Zack and Mitchell’s paper is highlighted in MaterialsView – Congrats!
Our ONR grant is successfully renewed!!!!
Steve and Jing’s paper is accepted to Chem Commun – Congrats!
Zack and Mitchell’s paper is accepted to Macromol Rapid Commun – Congrats!
Se Ryeon’s paper is accepted to Chemical Science – Congrats!
Harry van der Laan joins the group as a visiting scientist – Welcome!!
Danielle passes her candidcay exam – Congrats!!!
Zachary passes his candidacy exam – Congrats!!!
Group Holiday Party at Anne’s house.
Yash’s paper is accepted to Soft Matter – Congrats!
Anne wins a PECASE Award – Congrats!!!
Soellner versus McNeil Group Whirlyball Competition
Maria and Jing’s paper is accepted to Langmuir – Congrats!
Anne and Jonas present at the ACS National Meeting in Denver, CO.
Cheryl and Raja’s paper is accepted to J. Org. Chem. – Congrats!
Group BBQ at Anne’s house.
Yash and Anne visit 3M in St. Paul, MN.
Congrats to Jing and Se Ryeon for winning “best poster” awards at the 2011 Vaughan Symposium!
Visiting graduate student Yuji Nakatani from Nagoya University joins the group!
Visiting undergraduate student Xiao Zheng from Tsinghua University joins the group!
Anne (Polymers) and Jing (Supramolecules) present at Gordon Research Conferences
The group celebrates Anne’s wedding!
Post-doc Ed Palermo joins the group – Welcome Ed!
Erica, Jonas, and Christine’s paper is accepted to Macromolecules – Congrats!
Anne receives an LSA Excellence in Education Award!
Karen Sanders joins the group as a rotator – Welcome!
Congrats to Kelsey for passing her candidacy exam!!!
Congrats to Se Ryeon and Kelsey for receiving NSF pre-doctoral fellowships!!!
Congrats to Se Ryeon for passing her candidacy exam!!!
Post-doc Mark Burnworth joins the group – Welcome Mark!!
Weiwei Wu receives a summer research fellowship – Congrats Weiwei!
Anne receives a 2011 Sloan Research Fellowship!!!
Erica successfully defends her PhD thesis!!!
Rotators Zachary and Danielle join the group – Welcome!
Group Holiday Party!
Jing receives a Murrill Memorial Scholarship — Congrats Jing!!
Our J. Chem. Educ. paper on the Wikipedia Project is highlighted in Science!
Congrats to Kelsey for winning a “best” poster award at the Aldrich Symposium!!
Jonas’s paper gets accepted to Macromolecules!!!
Congrats to Se Ryeon and Angela for getting poster awards at the Huron Valley Chemistry Expo!!
Casey and Brett join the group as rotators – Welcome!!
Our J. Chem. Educ. is *finally* published online!!!
Erica’s mechanism paper is accepted to Macromolecules!!!
Kelsey, Jing, and Erica win “best poster” awards at the 2010 Vaughan Symposium – Congrats!!!
Erica wins a “best poster” award at the Novartis Symposium – Congrats Erica!
Erica presents at the DOC Graduate Symposium
Christine and Jun present at the REU Symposium at Hope College
Jing’s paper is accepted to Langmuir!!!
Members of the Wikimedia Foundation visit the McNeil Lab
Jun Xu joins the group through the China-US REU Program – Welcome!
Anne and Jing visit 3M !
Zachary joins the group as a summer rotator – Welcome!
Post-doc Maria Muro-Small and REU student Christine Gleave join the group – Welcome!
Congratulations to Cheryl for receiving the Milton Tamres Outstanding Teaching Award!!
Anne and Cheryl visit Wikimedia in San Francisco and present our Wikipedia Class Project!
Congratulations to Yash for passing his candidacy exam!
Our article on the Wikipedia project is accepted to J. Chem. Educ.!!!!
Se Ryeon and Kelsey officially join the group – Welcome!
Kelsey’s paper is accepted to Chem. Commun.! Congrats Kelsey!
Cheryl and Anne give talks at the ACS Meeting in SF!
Anne receives an NSF CAREER Award!!!!!!!!!!!!
Se Ryeon, Taylor, Hyung Ki, and Gabriel join the group as rotators – Welcome!
Phil Stratton (undergrad) also joins the group – Welcome!
1st Annual McNeil-Soellner Joint Group Christmas Party
Congrats to Jonas for getting a Winter Term Fellowship!
Anne and Erica present in Japan at the UM-Nagoya Symposium
Erica wins “Best Synthesis” Poster at the Macro Symposium – Congrats Erica!
Erica’s full paper is accepted to JACS!!!!
Anna, Kate and Kelsey join the group as Fall Rotators – Welcome!
Anne wins a Seyhan N. Ege Junior Faculty Award!
Anne wins a 2009 Chemistry Faculty Research Award!
Congrats to Cheryl and Jing for winning presentation awards at the Vaughan Symposium!
Congrats to Cheryl for passing her candidacy exam!
Anne presents as an alumni speaker for the Beckman Scholar’s Symposium in Irvine, CA.
REU Student Amino (Xibei) Dang from Peking University joins the group – Welcome!
The McNeil group surprises Anne with a birthday picnic
Anne and Cheryl visit 3M in Minnesota
Jing receives a Margaret and Herman Sokol Graduate Summer Research Fellowship!!!!
Pioneer High School Student Gong He joins the group – Welcome Gong!
Undergraduates Angela Gao and Maria Perez join the group – Welcome Angela and Maria!
Summer Rotation student Kelsey King joins the group – Welcome Kelsey!
Jonas passes his candidacy — Congrats Jonas!
Anne wins a 2009 Beckman Young Investigator Award!
Jing passes her candidacy — Congrats Jing!
Tracy wins a Seyhan Ege-WISE Award!
Anne receives a 2009 Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award!
The TA Instruments Rheometer is installed
C&E News highlights our research!!!
Tracy wins a Knowles Science Teaching Foundation Physical Science Teaching Fellowship!!!
Anne, Jing, and Tracy present at the ACS National Meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah!
Yash passes his first-year qualifying exams for the Macromolecular Science and Engineering Program – Congrats Yash!
Anne receives a 2009 Thieme Journal Award, Synthesis and Synlett!
Anne recieves a 3M Nontenured Faculty Research Grant!!
Material’s graduate student Ming Fang joins the group as a rotator – Welcome Ming!
The Shimadzu HPLC is installed!
McNeil Group Christmas Party
Jing Chen and Cheryl Moy give their departmental seminar
McNeil Group Holiday Party
Jing Chen wins “Excellence in Research” Departmental Fellowship for Winter 2009!
Our communication is accepted to JACS!!
Macro Student Yash Adhia joins the McNeil Group – Welcome Yash!
Erica Lanni wins a best poster award for Polymer Synthesis at the 32nd UM Macro Symposium.
We submit our first paper!
Jonas Locke gives his department seminar.
Group Dinner with Prof. Eric Anslyn (UT-Austin) at Cottage Inn
Army Research Office awards a STIR grant.
Junior undergrad Matthew Kole joins the group – Welcome Matthew!
Erica presents a poster at the Philadelphia ACS Meeting.
Group Trip to Silver Beach
Erica and Jing win Dow Travel Fellowship Awards for their poster presentations at PECRUM!
Group BBQ at Anne’s house
Tracy and Anne attend an Eli Lily Undergraduate Symposium
The group has a farewell lunch for Dan – Good luck in your next adventure!
David Feng arrives for a summer internship from Peking University – Welcome David!
The group has a surprise party for Anne’s birthday and the lab’s 1 yr anniversary!
Shana Santos and Lydia Benitez join the group – Welcome Shana and Lydia!
Erica passed her candidacy exam — Congratulations Erica!
Group trip to Putterz – A Mini-Golf Adventure
Erica received an NSF Graduate Fellowship — Congratulations Erica!
Dan received a 2008 Spring/Summer Rackham Research Award — Congratulations Dan!
Tracy received a 2008 Eli Lilly Fellowship — Congratulations Tracy!
The ReactIR is installed.
Group trip to the International Auto Show in Detroit, MI
Raja Kaliappan joins the group as a post-doc. Becky Lahti and Jonas Locke join the group as rotation students.
Group Christmas Party
The spin-coater is installed.
Dan and Erica successful complete their seminar requirement.
Cheryl Moy, Jing Chen, and Eric Majchrzak joined the group as new rotation students. Travis decided to stick around for another term.
Tracy Lent joined the group as an undergraduate student.
We moved into our new labs!!
Anne and summer rotation student, Travis Clark, arrive at the University of Michigan.
The group sets up a temporary space until the renovations on permanent laboratories are completed.
Erica and Dan join the group and begin conducting research while being housed in the Sanford laboratory space.